Box & Luggage Transport service in Pune

Efficient Luggage Packing and Transport Service in Pune | Singhania Transport: Your Trusted Partner

If you want to transport your household goods or luggage in Pune or from Pune to any other city, then you will definitely like our packing and shifting service. We at Singhania Transport Pune provide all types of transportation services like shifting of personal belongings, commercial goods, kitchen items, clothes, books, vehicles, crockery, etc. along with premium packing and door to door delivery services. Call Us @ 9572724004 or Email.

luggage transport service in Pune

    Get A Free Quote Now

    Singhania Luggage transport service in Pune contact number

    Branch Contact number
    Head office+917898984004

    Why Choose Us for Shifting Luggage in Pune?

    Knowledge and Expertise: With over 10 years of experience in the field of transportation, Singhania Transport has established itself as a reliable partner for all your luggage shifting needs.

    Comprehensive Services: Whether you are transporting goods locally, within the country or internationally, we have you covered. Our wide range of services includes local and domestic goods transportation, international moving and secure door-to-door service.

    Timely and Reliable: We understand the importance of timely delivery of goods. Our commitment to punctuality ensures that your goods reach their destination when needed, giving customers peace of mind during the shifting process.

    Luggage transport charges in Pune

    Luggage typeCharges
    Household Goods75₹ per kg
    Kitchen items70₹ per kg
    Cloths85₹ per kg
    Books72₹ per kg
    Box1500₹ per box
    Loose items95₹ per kg
    Office goods86₹ per kg
    Note:- Packing, and door delivery charges are excluded from Above Cost.

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    FAQ-Frequently asked questions

    How does Singhania Transport ensure the safety of my belongings during transportation?

    At Singhania Transport, we prioritize the safety and security of your belongings. Our professional team is trained to handle items with care, and we use high-quality packing materials to ensure everything reaches its destination intact.

    Can Singhania Transport handle international luggage transport?

    Absolutely. We specialize in international luggage transport, managing all aspects, including customs clearance and secure delivery to your new destination.

    What sets Singhania Transport apart from other Packers and Movers in Pune?

    Singhania Transport stands out due to its years of experience, commitment to reliability, and customer-centric approach. We strive to provide seamless and stress-free luggage transport services to our clients.

    How do I get a quote for luggage transport services in Pune?

    Getting a quote is easy. Contact us through our website or give us a call. Our team will gather the necessary details and provide a transparent and competitive quote for your luggage transport needs.

    Does Singhania Transport offer storage services during the moving process?

    Yes, we do. If you require storage services during the moving process, we can provide secure and convenient storage solutions to meet your needs.

    How can I track the status of my luggage during transportation?

    We provide tracking services to keep you informed about the status of your luggage. Our customer support team can assist you with real-time updates on your belongings’ location and expected delivery time.

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